A Dictionary of Finance and Banking (Oxford Quick Reference)

With over 5,500?including 150 new?accessible entries, this sixth edition of the bestselling Dictionary of Finance and Banking has been fully revised and updated to take into account the ever-developing financial landscape of the last five years.
ISBN: 9780198789741
Page: 511
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 975 Ft

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With over 5,500?including 150 new?accessible entries, this sixth edition of the bestselling Dictionary of Finance and Banking has been fully revised and updated to take into account the ever-developing financial landscape of the last five years. This comprehensive A-Z defines terms from all aspects of personal and international finance, including money markets, private investments and borrowing, central banking, foreign exchanges, monetary policy, and public and government finance. Now with expanded international coverage to reflect the on-going globalization of financial markets and the growing importance of development finance, with new entries such as village banking, Islamic Development Bank, and M-Pesa.

Quick links for additional online resources relating to the field can also be found on the companion website to expand reading and delve deeper into the world of finance and banking.


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