LanguageCert B2 Trainer

A 2024.évi XIII. törvény alapján erre a könyvre maximum 10% kedvezményt adhatunk. This book provides specific guidance and tips for all four skills covered in the exam and it also contains two complete Practice Tests at B2 level.
ISBN: 9786150201313
Author: Szabó Péter, Pásztiné Fritz Adrienn
Page: 224
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2024
Format: Book + Online Audio Material
Language: English

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Price: 6 930 Ft

Stock: 11-100 copies


It is suitable for students learning alone or in a classroom environment.The book is also a valuable resource for teachers who are preparing students for LanguageCert exams.
Additional resources are available online at
These resources include: audio to accompany the listening tasks and practice papers in the book as well as audio scripts.
Full answer keys for the Practice Tests and most of the activities.
Recordings of a student and an interlocutor doing the speaking sections of the Practice Tests. Teaching notes with classroom ideas for each section of the test.


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