New Letter Writing Tips, TELC ENGLISH B2 - Examination Preparation

This guide shows what candidates are expected to know and do when writing letters in the exam and what they can do to achieve a high score.
ISBN: 9783863751333
Page: 48
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Level: B2
Publisher: TELC GMBH
Language: English

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Price: 3 125 Ft

Stock: 11-100 copies


This book is designed to help test takers prepare for the subtest Writing of the examination telc Hungary English B2. it is suitable for self-study but can also be used in test preparation courses. The book provides clear and helpful information on whattest takers need to know in order to do well on the writing task. It includes key strategies for writing convincing semi-formal letters and friendly informal emails, practice activities, and real letter and email samples from previous examinations.


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