501 Japanese Verbs - Barron's Foreign Language Guides

Learning Japanese is easy with Barron’s 501 Japanese Verbs. The authors provide clear, easy-to-use review of the 501 most commonly used verbs from the Japanese language.
ISBN: 9780764137495
Author: Roland A. Lange, Nobuo Akiyama
Page: 656
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Language: Japanese

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Price: 5 875 Ft

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This comprehensive guide to Japanese verbs is ideal for students, travelers, and adult learners. It includes:
The 501 most common Japanese verbs in table format, with both Japanese characters and English at the top of each page
Detailed explanation onJapanese verb formation and usage
Hepburn romanization used throughout
Japanese characters, kanji and kana, for each verb
Essential 55 verbs with example sentences and related expressions
Verb exercises with answers
Examples of verbs used in sentences
Index of verbs by gerund


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