Berlitz - French Phrase Book & Dictionary

Berlitz Phrasebook and Dictionary French: a convenient, contemporary travel companion from Berlitz's trusted language experts.
ISBN: 9781780044859
Page: 224
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Publisher: BERLITZ
Language: French

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Price: 2 995 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


· With its emphasis on conversational usage, and up-to-date language on social media, leisure, business - and more - this is the only phrase book you'll need when exploring France
· Includes 3000-word bilingual dictionary
· Visually appealing colour-coding system means you can find what you want, when you want, and fast
· The simplified Berlitz pronunciation system will ensure you're clearly understood
· Stunning colour photography enhances the expert content, and makes this series the most visually attractive phrase book on the market


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