American English File 2nd Edition 2 SB+Oxford Online Skills Program

Four-skills American English course with a communicative methodology, engaging texts, and a strong pronunciation syllabus - designed to get students speaking.
ISBN: 9780194776165
Author: Clive Oxenden,Chris Latham-Koenig,Paul Seligson
Page: 168
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book + Online Materials
Level: A2-B1
Language: American English
Ages: adult

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Price: 16 450 Ft

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With texts and topics that make learners want to speak, American English File is the course
that gets students talking. It gives you full skills coverage with a clear focus on pronunciation, plus wide-ranging support and resources too. Resources include Test Generator CD-ROMs, DVDs, Multi-ROMs, and websites. The highly popular teacher's site
has extra lesson ideas and resources for you to download.


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