Close-Up B2 Workbook without Key - Second Edition

Iskolai megrendelés esetén (közoktatás) a Close-Up 2ND edition tankönyvek ára 1940- Ft, a munkafüzetek ára 1400- Ft, három szinten (A2, B1, B2).
ISBN: 9781408095744
Author: Katrina Gormley
Page: 87
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Level: B2
Language: English
Ages: adult

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Price: 4 775 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications. Close up is still as interesting, topical and up to date as ever with spectacular.


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