Learn the Maltese language: Maltese grammar easily explained

This book explains the Maltese grammar in an easy way. Not too much explanations. Not too complicated explanations. Just simple. Examples to clarify the grammar. Clear and concise.
ISBN: 9781520140445
Author: Alain de Raymond
Page: 53
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Language: maltese

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Price: 6 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


With this book, you'll be able to:

Pronounce Maltese words
Conjugate verbs in the present tense
Use the imperative
Apply the negative
Conjugate verbs in the simple past and in the future
Conjugate verbs in all the other tenses
Put the right article in front of the nouns
Use the Maltese comparative and superlative
Form prepositions, attached or not
Use the possessive
Present yourself
Use interrogative pronouns
Count until one million
Tell what time it is
Know the meaning of Maltese cities
Where to find further resources to learn more Maltese


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