Navigate B1 Pre-intermediate Coursebook with DVD-Rom (Video - Coursebook MP3 audio - Wordlists) and Online skills

A brand new adult course based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages and extensive classroom research.
ISBN: 9780194566490
Author: Caroline Krantz, Julie Norton
Page: 167
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book+DVD-ROM
Level: B1
Language: English
Ages: adult

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Price: 16 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Navigate is a brand new, six-level General English course tailored exclusively to adults. The course takes an innovative approach to reading and listening based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages. It teaches reading and listeningfrom the bottom up, giving learners the skills they need to understand the next text they will read and hear, not just the one they are reading or hearing now. The content has been extensively piloted and reviewed in ELT classrooms across the world, giving teachers the confidence that it really works.


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