Outcomes 2nd Edition Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book with Class Audio CDs (3)

The second edition of Outcomes is the only course thatis consistently focused on helping students achieve thereal world communicative outcomes they want and need.

ISBN: 9781305268203
Author: Mike Sayer; Hugh Dellar; Andrew Walkley
Page: 288
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Pack
Level: B1+-B2
Language: English
Ages: adult

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Price: 15 400 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The second edition of Outcomes has been fully revised and updated to provide contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-pacedgrammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom.


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