Teach Yourself - Enjoy French

Do you want to have more meaningful conversations in French? Do you want to feel comfortable in a variety of situations?
ISBN: 9781473684287
Author: Mary C. Christensen, Mercedes Rooney
Page: 232
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book + Online Audio Material
Level: B2-C1
Language: French

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Price: 11 125 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Based on authentic texts, such as newspaper articles, blogs, songs, poems, and conversations between native speakers, this course will help you improve and build upon the language you already have so that you develop your skills to a level where you canenjoy communicating in French. Incorporating information about the culture, history and geography of France and French-speaking countries, you will be introduced to the more advanced points of French grammar, as well as more colloquial language, and develop your vocabulary so you can express your opinion on a number of topics, as well as react to other people's opinions.


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