Seeds of confidence with CD-ROM/Audio CD - The Resourceful Teacher

Self-esteem activities for the EFL classroom. In Seeds of Confidence five essential components of self-esteem are covered:security,identity,belonging,purpose and competence.
ISBN: 9783852722009
Author: Verónica de Andrés, Jane Arnold
Page: 189
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: book+MULTI ROM
Language: English

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Price: 14 900 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Many suggestions are given for dealing with each in the classroom and so creating a classroom climate in which real language learning can grow.Using Seeds of Confidence in their classrooms,teachers can become more resourceful and can enhance their teaching practice and their own motivation.Many activities can also be adapted for use in teaching other subjects and in facilitating learning in all contexts.


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