Rip van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Penguin Readers Level 1

Rip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home twenty years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head.
ISBN: 9781405842808
Author: Washington Irving
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Penguin Readers
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Level: A1
Language: English
Ages: 14-18 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Rip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home twenty years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head. Are there ghosts in these stor


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