The Cellist of Sarajevo - Penguin Readers Level 3

Sarajevo is under siege. There is a little food or water and the city is attecked, every day, from the hills. Ordinary people try fo live their lives, but they are losing hope for the future. Then, one day, some decide to wait in a line for bread.
ISBN: 9781408291375
Author: Steven Galloway
Page: 56
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Penguin Readers
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book
Level: A2
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Sarajevo is under siege. There is a little food or water and the city is attecked, every day, from the hills. Ordinary people try fo live their lives, but they are losing hope for the future. Then, one day, some decide to wait in a line for bread.


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