2000 Essential Korean Words for Intermediate with MP3 CD

2000 Essential Korean Words : for Intermediate, Words Book for whom studying Korean or Teaching Korean.
ISBN: 9788927731306
Author: Shin Hyeon-mi, Lee Hee-jung, Lee Sang-min
Page: 536
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book + Online Audio Material
Publisher: DARAKWON
Language: Korean

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Price: 29 325 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The advantages of this book

- a selection of 2,000 important Korean vocabulary words for the advanced level

- systematic thematic structure in 14 categories
- translation of the Korean entry into English, Japanese and Chinese
- clear example sentences show the vocabulary in the context of the sentence
- indication of synonyms, antonyms, polite forms, etc.

- several vocabulary tests 'Let's Check' for each category

- precise and understandable audio examples of all words and example sentences on the accompanying MP3 CD


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