German Vocabulary Drills with Free Flashcard App - Perfect for Beginning and Intermediate Learners

What you need to build your German lexicon as well as your confidence in communicating in the language
ISBN: 9780071826143
Author: David M. Stillman, PhD; Daniele D. Godor, MA; Ronni L. Gordon PhD
Page: 256
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Level: A1-B2
Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL
Language: German

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Price: 12 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


German Vocabulary Drills provides a thematic approach by presenting clusters of essential terms. These terms are reinforced by a variety of written exercises, from fill-in the blank to translations to matching games. In addition, unlike other vocabularytitles on the market, a companion flashcard app also incorporates the key vocabulary for study and practice on-the-go.


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