Practice Makes Perfect: German Conversation 2nd Edition

Speaking a new language can be intimidating. This popular guide will give you the confidence to start and engage in conversations in German. Extensive streaming audio recordings let you hear German as it is spoken by native speakers.
ISBN: 9781260143775
Author: Ed Swick
Page: 160
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL
Language: German

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Price: 12 425 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Practice Makes Perfect: German Conversation features:

•Streaming audio recordings of all dialogues in the book
•Engaging dialogues of practical conversational situations
•Realistic example phrases and sentences you can use
•Extensive exercises tohelp you hone your speaking skills
•An answer key for reference and quick feedback
•Everything you need to talk more like a native speaker


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