English for Health Sciences Student's Book

An integrated four-skills approach breaks with the traditional practice of reading/vocabulary ESP instruction.
ISBN: 9781413020519
Author: Martin Milner
Page: 106
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2006
Level: B1-B2
Publisher: HEINLE & HEINLE
Language: English

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Price: 7 950 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Two-page lessons provide a variety of work situations including diagnosing, dealing with critical patients, and referring a patient that will interest and motivate students specializing in any aspect of the field of Health Sciences.

A grammar reference allows for review and self-study of the essential grammar required at the intermediate level.

An international English program with a variety of American, British, and non-native accents trains the listening skills required by today's global community.

A comprehensive Teacher's Resource Book provides teachers with photocopiable test materials, step-by-step teaching notes, answer keys, and photocopiable activities to extend reading, writing, communication, and grammar skills.


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