Elias Canetti: The Tongue Set Free

The first part of the Nobel Prize winner's classic autobiography, reissued by Granta in a stunning new paperback edition. The Tongue Set Free is so beautifully written.
ISBN: 9781847083562
Author: Elias Canetti
Page: 270
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Publisher: GRANTA
Language: English

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Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


It begins with an extraordinary image, Canetti's earliest memory. He comes out of a room. A man makes him stick out his tongue; if he talks he will cut it off. Years later Canetti realises that this was his nursemaid's lover, frightening him into silence about their rendezvous. The idea of speaking as the entry into forbidden grown-up life dominates this book. When he is seven his father dies. He is propelled from childhood into adulthood, from his father to his mother, through language. In an extraordinary, cruel episode his mother forces him to learn perfect adult German in three months, to replace her husband as quickly as possible. His tongue is set free: he has won his mother, against brothers and against all lovers.


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