A. S. Byatt: Babel Tower

Babel Tower is the third novel in Byatt's highly acclaimed Frederica quartet. Frederica is embroiled in two law cases, twin strands of the Establishment's web, a painful divorce and custody suit and the prosecution of an 'obscene' book.
ISBN: 9780099839408
Author: A. S. Byatt
Page: 617
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2003
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 425 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


Babel Tower is the third novel in Byatt's highly acclaimed Frederica quartet. Frederica is embroiled in two law cases, twin strands of the Establishment's web, a painful divorce and custody suit and the prosecution of an 'obscene' book. Frederica's personal and legal crises mirror an age; alongside Frederica's intellectual life teaching at art school in London are the diverging cultural worlds of the Beatles and the advent of computer languages.


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