Thomas Bernhard: Wittgenstein's Nephew

It is 1967, in a Viennese hospital. In separate wards, two men lie bedridden.
ISBN: 9781400077564
Author: Thomas Bernhard
Page: 100
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


It is 1967, in a Viennese hospital. In separate wards, two men lie bedridden: the narrator, named Thomas Bernhard, is stricken with a lung ailment; his friend Paul, nephew of the celebrated philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, is suffering from one of his periodic bouts of madness. Beginning with his memory of the hospital, Bernhard traces the growth of an intense friendship between two eccentric, obsessive man who share a passion for music. A strange sense of humor, brutal honesty, and a disgust for bourgeois Vienna. Part fiction, part memoir, Bernhard's evocation of the fear and longing for intimacy he and his truest friend share in the face of death chronicles both the spiritual symmetry that bonds them for twelve years and the emotional betrayal that elicits Bernhard's eulogy.


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