Ungváry Krisztián: Battle for Budapest - 100 Days in World War II

This title is presented with a new foreword by Istvan Deak. The battle of Budapest in the bleak winter of 1944-45 was one of the longest and bloodiest city sieges of World War II.
ISBN: 9781350141391
Author: Ungváry Krisztián
Page: 392
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 13 990 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


From the appearance of the first Soviet tanks on the outskirts of the capital to the capture of Buda Castle, 102 days elapsed. In terms of human trauma, it comes second only to Stalingrad, comparisons to which were even being made by soldiers, both German and Soviet, fighting at the time. This definitive history covers their experiences, and those of the 800,000 non-combatants around whom the battle raged.


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