Holy Bible Niv International Version

This edition uses British spelling, punctuation and grammar to allow the Bible to be read more naturally.
ISBN: 9781444701593
Page: 941
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 250 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


More about the translation
This revised and updated edition of the NIV includes three main types of change, taking into account changes in the way we use language day to day; advances in biblical scholarship and understanding; and the need to ensure that gender accurate language is used, to faithfully reflect whether men and women are referred to in each instance. The translators have carefully assessed a huge body of scholarship, as well as inviting peer submissions, in order to review every word of the existing NIV to ensure it remains as clear and relevant today as when it was first published.


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