Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary

With more than 50,000 entries, the Webster’s New World® Hebrew Dictionary is a bilingual dictionary requiring no prior knowledge of Hebrew.
ISBN: 9780544944169
Author: Hayim Baltsan
Page: 830
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Language: Hebrew

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Price: 12 995 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Now updated with a fresh new look! With more than 50,000 entries, the Webster’s New World® Hebrew Dictionary is a bilingual dictionary requiring no prior knowledge of Hebrew. Hebrew entry words in the Hebrew-English part of the dictionary are presented in Latin alphabetical order familiar to English speakers. This is made possible by presenting each Hebrew word first in a phonetic transliteration using the Latin alphabet, followed by the proper Hebrew spelling. Entries in the English-Hebrew section aretranslated into Hebrew and then a phonetic Latin translation.


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