GMAT Verbal Workbook - Ninth Edition

Kaplan is so certain that GMAT Verbal Workbook offers all the review you need to excel on the test that we guarantee it: After studying with this book, you'll score higher on the Verbal section of the GMAT—or you'll get your money back.
ISBN: 9781506263533
Page: 298
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Language: English

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Price: 11 295 Ft

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Review of skills for every GMAT Verbal question type: Sentence Correction, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Reasoning
Hundreds of practice questions for every question type on the GMAT Verbal section, with detailed answer explanations
Proven test-taking strategies to help you tackle the exam efficiently
Sample essays and scoring guides for the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
Ten practice essay prompts to help you get comfortable with the AWA format and timing
Reference sections for grammar,usage and style, and common idioms to help sharpen your skills


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