SAT Reading & Writing Prep: Over 300 Practice Questions + Online

Prepare for the SAT with confidence! With more than 75 years of experience and more than 95% of our students getting into their top-choice schools, Kaplan knows how to increase your score and get you into your top-choice college.
ISBN: 9781506236827
Page: 180
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book + Online Materials
Language: English

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Price: 8 995 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks


Prep Smarter. Not Harder. Kaplan’s SAT Reading and Writing Prep provides everything you need to master the challenging Evidence-Based Reading and Writing sections on the SAT. This focused guide provides concise review of how to effectively and efficiently read passages to answer questions correctly and ample practice, from drills to mixed practice sets, to help you raise your score.

Kaplan’s SAT Reading and Writing Prep contains many features to help improve test scores, including:

* 19 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Practice Sets with detailed explanations

* More than 150 practice questions with expert explanations

* Methods and strategies to improve your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score

* Full Reading and Writing and Language practice test sections


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