Barron's Spanish-English Word Puzzle Book

Younger boys and girls have fun learning basic vocabulary in a second language when they open this book. It presents puzzles that use 14 child-friendly themes as it teaches Spanish vocabulary to English-speaking children and English vocabulary to Spanish
ISBN: 9781438000534
Author: Catherine Bruzzone, Rachel Croxon, Louise Millar
Page: 32
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Language: Spanish

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Price: 1 550 Ft

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The themes include On the Farm, The Supermarket, Numbers and Months, At the Seashore, In the Classroom, Colors of the Rainbow, In the Country, and seven more. Each theme is presented twice on facing pages. The right-hand page gives English-speaking kidsthe puzzle to solve in Spanish; and the left-hand page instructs Spanish-speaking kids to solve the puzzle in English. Boys and girls learn words in the new language by working out crossword puzzles, completing word searches, joining the dots, filling inblank spaces, and playing several other word games. They get help in the form of picture clues, and they'll find answers to all puzzles plus complete bilingual word lists at the back of each book. All puzzle pages feature cheerful color


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