400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards - Instant Activities using Technology - Macmillan Books for Teachers

This title provides a wealth of resources to help teachers integrate the digital board into their classrooms.
ISBN: 9780230417649
Author: Pete Sharma, Barney Barrett, Francis Jones
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 14 300 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


It provides ideas for using regular programs and software, as well as offering suggestions on how to create specifically-tailored resources. The clear organisation means that activities are categorised according to skill focus, making them easy to locate. It also contains suggestions for project work, 'learning to learn' activities and 'the connected classroom'. It presents a fully comprehensive resource pack of activities for using the interactive whiteboard; provides systematic coverage of skills to enhance and support students' learning; includes guidance on a range of technological approaches for all levels of experience.


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