The Man in the Brown Suit - Collins Agatha Christie ELT Readers Level 5 with Free Online Audio

Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins has adapted her famous detective novels for English language learners. These carefully adapted versions are shorter with the language targeted at upper-inter
ISBN: 9780007451555
Author: Agatha Christie
Page: 122
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book + Online Audio Material
Level: B2
Language: English

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Price: 3 425 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


Pretty, young Anne Beddingfeld comes to London looking for adventure. But adventure finds her when she sees a man fall off an Underground platform and die on the rails.

The police think the death was an accident. But who was the man in the brown suitwho examined the body before running away? Anne has only one clue, but she is determined to bring the mysterious killer to justice.

Anne's adventure takes her on a cruise ship all the way to Cape Town and on into Africa…


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