Andrew Roberts: Churchill

A magnificently fresh and unexpected biography of Churchill, by one of Britain's most acclaimed historians
ISBN: 9780141981253
Author: Andrew Roberts
Page: 1152
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 7 125 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


There have been over a thousand previous biographies of Churchill. Andrew Roberts now draws on over forty new sources, including the private diaries of King George VI, used in no previous Churchill biography to depict him more intimately and persuasively than any of its predecessors. The book in no way conceals Churchill's faults and it allows the reader to appreciate his virtues and character in full: his titanic capacity for work (and drink), his ability see the big picture, his willingness to take risks and insistence on being where the action was, his good humour even in the most desperate circumstances, the breadth and strength of his friendships and his extraordinary propensity to burst into tears at unexpected moments. Above all, it shows us the wellsprings of his personality - his lifelong desire to please his father (even long after his father's death) but aristocratic disdain for the opinions of almost everyone else, his love of the British Empire, his sense of history and its connection to


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