Ivan Turgenev: Parasha and Other Poems - Russian-English Bilingual Edition

One of the pillars of nineteenth-century Russian prose fiction alongside towering figures such as Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev started his writing career as a poet, gaining much critical acclaim and renown in that field.
ISBN: 9781847498915
Author: Ivan Turgenev
Page: 264
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Publisher: ALMA BOOKS
Language: Russian

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Price: 4 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The title piece of this collection, Parasha, which brought the young author to the attention of the influential critic Vissarion Belinsky and established his reputation, is a humorous narrative poem in the vein of Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin or Lermontov’s Sashka, telling the story of a young woman’s marriage to her dull, unromantic neighbour and the couple’s humdrum and more or less happy life ever after.


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