Carlota Gurt: Alone

Mei is a forty-two year-old editor living in Barcelona. After years of unsuccessfully trying to become pregnant, and having grown apart from her husband,...
ISBN: 9781787704435
Author: Carlota Gurt
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 425 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


...she decides to escape her crude reality when she’s made redundant from her job at a publishing house. When she moves to the cottage where she grew up, hidden in a remote forest of Catalunya, she believes this to be the perfect opportunity to finish the novel she’s been obsessing over. But as she begins writing, or trying to, tragedy hits her and solitude possesses her, forcing her to face her past, an unsolicited present and a future that is adrift.
As Mei’s chance encounters and new relationshipswith figures from her childhood seem to keep her grounded, the forest and its inhabitants take over her as she fights to finish her novel and attempt to escape solitude unscathed.


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