Matthew Hills: Fan Cultures

Emphasising the contradictions of fandom, Matt Hills outlines how media fans have been conceptualised in cultural theory.
ISBN: 9780415240253
Author: Matthew Hills
Page: 237
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2002
Format: Book
Publisher: ROUTLEDGE
Language: English

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Price: 8 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Drawing on case studies of specific fan groups, from Elvis impersonators to X-Philes and Trekkers, Hills discusses a range of approaches to fandom, from the Frankfurt School to psychoanalytic readings, and asks whether the development of new media creates the possibility of new forms of fandom. Fan Cultures also explores the notion of "fan cults" or followings, considering how media fans perform the distinctions of 'cult' status.


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