Nyelvi verseny - Angol - Szeptember/Október



A verseny jelentkezési határideje október 31-én lejárt! Ha mégis nevezni szeretne, kérjük, egyeztessen velünk a balla.kinga@librabooks.hu címen!


A ZSŰRI KEDVENC ANGOL NYELVŰ PÁLYAMŰVE az első fordulóban (tördelések és bekezdések nélkül)
SZERZŐ: 'whatsername'

'Wait, Billy? Billy Tanner?'I was shocked — of course I was,he was my best friend and we hadn't talked for thirty years! 'It's so good to see you! How are you doing?' I asked. 'Oh, sorry. I'm such a rude person! Do you want a cup of tea or coffee, maybe hot chocolate?' he smiled and said that he would never miss a chance to drink "my famous hot chocolate". We went to the kitchen and while I made our drinks (hot chocolate with cinnamon and a bit of Irish whiskey (just and only for the perfect taste) for him and green tea for myself), he started talking about his job and life. He told me he had two daughters and his wife gave birth to their son six years ago, and that he had become a director. 'What about you, Jess? Do you have a family?' 'I do. I got pregnant at the age of 23, just right after university. I have a daughter, but she is 25 now, and my husband...so, he died. He had cancer. But it was a long time ago.''I'm sorry.' he said.' I didn't mean to...''Do not say it Billy. It's not your fault, why would you apologise? Anyway, where were I? Oh, yes, I know. So when Kim went to university, I decided to move. It all happened really fast, seriously. She started school, I was alone, I had nothing to do but my job, which I hated. I mean I liked teaching, but I got tired. I quit my job and moved to Iceland, I bought a small flat under my apartment, and turned it into my dream café. I spent months to make it look like a nice and comfortable snug. I painted the walls, bought furniture and everything. And I still didn't know how to use those fancy coffee machines. I used the old fashioned ones and it took so much time! But people somehow liked it. They liked how I made all of the drinks by myself. I spent 12 hours in my shop every day. It was tiring but finally I was doing what I always wanted to do. Today my place is one of the most liked cafés in our city.' I quickly finished his hot chocolate and we sat down in the living room. My christmas tree was still there, altough it was January. We talked a lot, as we did when we were young. We had spent a wonderful time and when he started getting up to go I asked him: 'So why did you leave your family just to find me in Iceland, Billy?' He stopped for a while, he was thinking. For the first time in thirty years, I looked at every single detail of his face. We spent a few minutes in this silence, then he suddenly started to talk.'Jess...I,I came here beacause I started working on this film, you know, that is about Ed and Dodie, who have pretty much the same story as we do. Except the ending. Do you know, why?''I don't. Why, Billy? 'He looked at me and sighed. 'Because they stay together, Jess. They keep their word and they do not let anyone part them. They have conflicts, the same conflicts as we did, but they always give a new chance and fight for their friendship, and later their marriage.''I don't understand you. You have a loving wife and family, a life you always wanted then you just come here from London to tell me I screwed up our life together? What the hell, Billy?' I asked. I knew I would cry but I didn't want him to see me cry. 'Jess, please listen! I am not here to tell you that you screwed up. Especially when we both did, but it doesn't matter now. I'm here to ask you to play in the movie. The adult Dodie is still missing. I understand if you say no, you can. But I wanted to give you the chance to be in the movie. We both can take it as a happy ending for our relationship.' I couldn't answer. I didn't know what to say. Finally I said: 'No. I am sorry Billy, I really am. But I could get over you, even if it was freaking hard, and my ending is fine that way. Thank you for counting me in.' And I started crying. 'Okay, I get it, Jess. I guess it's time for me to leave. Thanks for the hot chocolate and it was good to hear from you. If you change your mind, just text me. Bye.' And he went out of the room; I heard when he slapped the front door, and his car's noise as he drove away. I know I hurt him with my words. He also hurt me; not because we wanted to hurt each other, but because we wanted to make everything as it was back then. You may ask if I ever loved him. I did, I still do and I always will. But I never saw Billy Tanner again."