Robert T. Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad

April 2017 marks 20 years since Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad first made waves in the Personal Finance arena.It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world.
ISBN: 9781612681139
Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki
Page: 336
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 5 475 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need toearn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. Rich Dad Poor Dad...
• Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
• Challenges the belief that your houseis an asset
• Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids
about money
• Defines once and for all an asset and a liability
• Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success


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