Anna Sewell: Black Beauty

Charming and timeless, Black Beauty is an uplifting story of strength, survival and empathy in the face of adversity.
ISBN: 9780141321035
Szerző: Anna Sewell
Oldalszám: 262
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2008
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 2 990 Ft

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Black Beauty is a handsome, sweet-tempered but strong-spirited young horse, used to galloping free in the fresh green meadows with his beloved mother, Duchess, and their kind master. But when his owners are forced to sell him, Black Beauty goes from a life of comfort and kindness to one of hard labour and cruelty. He bravely works as hard as he can, enduring hardships and fostering loyal friendships along the way.


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