Descubrir Espana y Latinoamérica - Guía didáctica Nueva edición

Descrubrir Espana y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed at middle school students.
ISBN: 9788853008572
Author: Alberto Ribas Casasayas
Page: 32
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2005
Format: Book
Publisher: CIDEB
Language: Spanish

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Price: 895 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


By using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures etc.), this book offers a clear and complete vision of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures, through various perspectives. The volume is divided into four topic-based sections:

• Descubrir
• Historia y política
• Cultura
• Sociedad

The variety of topics dealt with in the book allow for links and comparisons to be made between the past and the present, traditional and contemporary society, traditional values and changes in behaviour.


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