Learn Hungarian


There are several Hungarian courses for self-study offering a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Hungarian. Master the everyday language with any of these Hungarian language learning materials:

Colloquial Hungarian (New edition): The Complete Course for Beginners + audio CD

- Interactive: lots of exercises for regular practice
- Clear: concise grammar notes
- Practical: useful vocabulary and pronunciation guide
- Complete: including answer key and reference section

Teach Yourself: COMPLETE HUNGARIAN + audio CD

- Learn everyday, useful Hungarian through real-life situations
- Easy grammar and vocabulary to help you learn fast
- Key to the exercises

Beginner's Hungarian with 2 audio CDs

- An introduction to conversational Hungarian in 10 lessons
- A 35-page introduction to Hungarian culture, history, and everyday life
- Key to the exercises

Just Enough Hungarian: How to get by and be easily understood

- An up-to-date phrasebook of everyday speech
- With a mini-dictionary of more than 500 useful words and phrases


Lépésenként magyarul – ELSŐ LÉPÉS Magyar Nyelv Kezdőknek (Step by Step in Hungarian)

- A comprehensive course book for beginners
- Audio CD, CD-ROM and DVD available separately
- Grammar booklet available separately

Hungarian the Easy Way 1 – Coursebook +workbook + audio CD

- Eight comprehensive lessons that practice all the four skills
- English instructions and explanations
- First volume in a series of 3

Hungarian for foreigners: Magyar nyelvkönyv külföldieknek + audio CD

- Ten comprehensive lessons that practice all the four skills
- Bilingual glossary at the back of the book
- Key to the exercises

Hungaro Lingua 1 Magyar Nyelvkönyv

- Twelve comprehensive lessons
- Available at 4 levels
- Answer key available separately
- Audio CD available separately
- Grammar booklet available separately

Number of results: 17

Halló, itt Magyarország! II. + Audio CD


Ez a tananyag kezdő és középhaladó szinten kínál biztos nyelvtani alapokra épülő, a mindennapi életben jól felhasználható nyelvtudást. Használható csoportos és egyéni, tanári segítséggel történő, illetve önálló tanulásra.Hungarian coursebook with CD


Price: 4 550 Ft

Not in stock

Number of results: 17