English / Turkish / Arabic Dictionary: With Arabic Transliteration (Words R Us Bi-lingual Dictionaries)

This dictionary contains 18,500 words in English, Turkish and Arabic with parts of speech identified for each term. It also contains a Arabic transliteration into the Latin Alphabet. It is derived from our WordsRUs system.
ISBN: 9781724466235
Author: John C. Rigdon
Page: 530
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Language: Arabic

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Price: 34 990 Ft

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Turkish (ISO 639-3 tur) also referred to as Istanbul Turkish, is the most widely spoken of the Turkic languages, with approximately 10–15 million native speakers in Southeast Europe (mostly in East and Western Thrace) and 60–65 million native speakers in Western Asia (mostly in Anatolia). The Turkic family comprises some 30 living languages spoken across Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Siberia. About 40% of all speakers of Turkic languages are native Turkish speakers. Outside Turkey, significant smaller groups of speakers exist in Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Northern Cyprus, Greece, the Caucasus, and other parts of Europe and Central Asia. Turkey has the 13th largest GDP, well ahead of South Korea, Australia, Canada, and Saudi Arabia. Virtually all the Turkish people are Islamic. Less than 1% of the population is Christian. The Arabic terms are based on Modern Standard Arabic (ISO 639-3 msa). Modern Standard Arabic is a standardized form of Arabic used in business, literature, education, politics,


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