Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang: 5000 Expressions to Spice Up Your Spainsh

ISBN: 9780071433013
Author: Mary McVey Gill
Page: 448
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2006
Format: Book
Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL
Language: Spanish

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Price: 16 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


If someone called you tragaldabas would you be insulted or flattered? If you shouted !Mota! in the street, would you expected to get a cab or get arrested? Thanks to The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang and Idioms, you'll always know your tejemaneje (scheme) from your merequetengue (mess) no matter where you find yourself in the Spanish-speaking world. Five thousand words and phrases--plus helpful hints as to what's cordial and what's vulgar--keep you in sync with Spanish slang.


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