Exam Essentials Practice Tests-Cambridge English: First (FCE) 2 with Key and Online Materials

The Exam Essentials Practice Tests series provides students with an invaluable combination of exam information, task guidance and up-to-date exam practice.
ISBN: 9781473776883
Author: Helen Chilton, Helen Tiliouine
Page: 232
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Level: B2
Language: English

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Price: 12 250 Ft

Stock: 11-100 copies


This revised edtion provides updated tests along with two completely new tests written by experts in the field and are at least the same level as the real Cambridge English: B2 First exam. Students can be confident that if they do well in the Practice Tests, they'll do well in the real exam. The tests offer practice in all four papers of the exam: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Eight complete practice tests cover a wide range of typical exam topic areas.


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