Ready for LanguageCert Communicator B2 Practice Tests

Ready for LanguageCert Communicator is designed for students who are preparing for the LanguageCert B2 level examinations. Az audio file-ok, a tapescriptek és a megoldókulcs letölthető a honlapunkról:
ISBN: 9788853626738
Author: Jeremy Walenn, Sara Walenn
Page: 144
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2020
Format: Book
Level: B2
Publisher: ELI, EDIZIONI
Language: English

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Price: 6 475 Ft

Stock: more than 100 copies


• 8 International ESOL (Listening, Reading, Writing) Practice Tests, which include one Guided Test with exam tips and one LanguageCert Official Test
• 8 International ESOL (Speaking) Practice Tests, which include one Guided Test with exam tips and one LanguageCert Official Test


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