Russkaja grammatika v tablitsakh i skhemakh

Russian Grammar in Tables and Charts. This reference book contains phonetic, lexical and grammatical material in a compact and convenient form.
ISBN: 9785883373106
Author: Novikova N., Shustikova T.
Page: 176
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Language: Russian

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Price: 18 390 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


All sections, table titles and comments have English translations, which can serve as an effective basis for learning the Russian language.
Each table is supplemented with examples drawn from contemporary literary works. Materials in the book are designed to be used at different stages of learning.
The reference book "Russian grammar in tables and charts" is addressed to non-native speakers studying the Russian language and will be useful for teachers of Russian as a foreign language.
The book can be used both in class and for self-study.


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