Teach Yourself - Essential German Verbs

The aim of this book is to help you improve your command of German by focusing on one aspect of language learning that invariably causes difficulties - verbs and the way they behave.
ISBN: 9781444103632
Author: Silvia Robertson, Ian Roberts
Page: 297
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Teach Yourself
Publication date: 2010
Format: Book
Language: German

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Price: 7 225 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Essential German Verbs contains:
- full coverage of the main tenses for 200 frequently used German verbs arranged alphabetically for quick and easy reference
- examples of the verbs in everyday use, with colloquial expressions and words sharing the same origin
- a German-English verb list of approximately 3000 verbs with details of the patterns they follow
- an English-German verb list giving the most frequently used English verbs in German with details of the patterns they follow
- free downloadable audio support with hints on how to learn verbs


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