Adjectifs et contraires - Le Francais en s'amusant (Társasjáték)

A very simple, useful and enjoyable card game based on matching illustrated adjectives with the corresponding opposite adjectives. The game allows students to learn, memorize and practice 130 commonly-used adjectives in a fun and engaging way. CEFR A2-B1
ISBN: 9788853628183
Page: 130
Publication date: 2020
Format: Board game
Level: A2-B1
Publisher: ELI, EDIZIONI
Language: French

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Price: 9 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The box contains:

- 130 illustrated adjectives

- A Joker card and a Surprise card

- An instruction booklet providing suggestions for a wide range of games and activities to do in class or at home with friends.


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