Real Lives, Real Listening Elementary includes mp3 CD

A new classroom course based on unscripted and authentic listening materials
ISBN: 9780007522316
Author: Sheila Thorne
Page: 174
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Level: A2
Language: English

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Price: 7 725 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Real Lives, Real Listening will teach students vital skills they need to listen more effectively to English, however it is spoken. Through authentic recordings the course exposes students to the grammatical structures and lexis which are used most frequently in spoken English throughout the world.

This new edition from Collins combines all three topics into one book.

• MP3 CD with authentic interviews featuring native and non-native speakers of English
• detailed comprehension and practice exercises
• includes information on simplification, linking, elision and weak forms
• teacher’s notes and answer keys available at

Real Lives, Real Listening will boost students’ confidence and raise their awareness of the differences between spoken and written English. Created by Sheila Thorn of The Listening Business, the series reflects the latest academic theories on the importance of authentic listening practice in language acquisition.

Suitable for learners at Elementary and P


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