Nuovo Contatto Livello C1 per DVD-ROM e CD-ROM - Corso di lingua e civiltá italiana per stranieri

This volume is composed of ten thematic units, which capture various aspects of contemporary Italy and the changes which are taking place in Italian society and culture also in the light of some historical events.
ISBN: 9788858303108
Author: R. Bozzone Costa, M. Piantoni, E. Scaramelli, C. Ghezzi
Page: 175
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Pack (Book + 1 DVD + 1 CD-ROM)
Level: C1
Publisher: LOESCHER
Language: Italian
Ages: adult

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Price: 19 825 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The themes are tackled though written, audio and audiovisual texts linked to art, cinema, music, and literature. Communicative tasks and textual and grammatical exercises aim at strengthening and perfecting language skills for socializing and for professional purposes. Particular attention is given to synonyms, collocations, variations in language register, idiomatic expressions and word formation rules as well as creative writing.

The DVD-ROM contains videos together with end-of-unit tests and answers to the exercises. The CD-ROM contains the course audio tracks.


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