David Copperfield - Penguin Readers Level 3

David Copperfield's happy life suddenly changes when his mother marries again. Her new husband is cruel to him and sends him away to school. When David's mother dies, he is sent to work in London. He hates his job so he runs away.
ISBN: 9781405862400
Author: Charles Dickens
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Penguin Readers
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Level: A2
Language: English

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Price: 3 525 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


David Copperfield's happy life suddenly changes when his mother marries again. Her new husband is cruel to him and sends him away to school. When David's mother dies, he is sent to work in London. He hates his job so he runs away. He has no money for food or for travelling. But it is the beginning of his life of adventure.


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