Dolphin Music - Cambridge English Readers Level 5

It is 2051. CONTROL, the government of Europe, keeps everyone happy in a virtual reality where music made by dolphins gives exquisite pleasure. When Saul Grant, a writer, discovers the truth about the music, the illusion is shattered.
ISBN: 9780521666183
Author: Antoinette Moses
Page: 96
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Cambridge English Readers
Publication date: 1999
Format: Book
Level: B2
Language: English

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Price: 2 125 Ft

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It is 2051. CONTROL, the government of Europe, keeps everyone happy in a virtual reality where music made by dolphins gives exquisite pleasure. When Saul Grant, a writer, discovers the truth about the music, the illusion is shattered. He soon sets out to free the dolphins but CONTROL is aware of his actions and will stop him at any cost. • British English


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