Easy Arabic Reader

Suitable for beginners to intermediate-level learners, this book features engaging readings of progressive difficulty that allow readers to rapidly build comprehension.
ISBN: 9780071754026
Page: 223
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL
Language: Arabic

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Price: 12 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Review sections and comprehension questions are integrated throughout the text to reinforce what is learned through the readings.
This book, divided into three parts, begins with a series of stories about an Arab-American as he takes a tour of the Middle East as a graduation present. In the second part, readers are introduced to key figures of Arab History, from Saladin, who fought the Crusades, to Said Ouita, the Moroccan Olympic runner. Finally, learners encounter adapted stories from tradition sources like the 1001 Arabian Nights, with a humorous modern slant. A free-access website provides recordings of many of the readings contained in the book.

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